
授業コード 受講区分 学科 授業期間 履修年次 単位 担当者
15212 (1) 外国語 前期 2 1 D.Zmijewski

Practical English Skills

This course will provide the students opportunities to refine their language skills through discussion in English. Focus will be on organizing opinions logically and communicating them to an audience.

This one semester course will focus on developing discussion skills that should aid students going to study abroad. Topics will be presented to the class and students will engage in small group discussions before we open general discussions. Students will be required to prepare ideas and opinions beforehand to facilitate the flow of discussions.

Regular attendance, completion of all homework, and active participation are required to receive a passing grade in this course. In addition, students will give an individual presentation at the end of the semester..

Handouts will be provided by the teacher.
